Cleaning a ventless gas heater is simple because all you need is a little compressed air and a vacuum. Shut off the ventless gas heater’s power and allow it to cool for 30 minutes or more. Open the heater’s access panel. Vacuum out the inside of the panel to remove dust and dirt. Click to see full answer. In this way, how do you clean a gas wall heater? How to Clean an Old Wall Mount Gas Heater Turn off the wall heater. Locate the main breaker panel for the home where the fuses are located. Remove the outer grill or grate on the wall-mounted heater, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Take the grill to a sink. Go back to the wall heater and plug in a vacuum cleaner. Also, how do you clean a thermocouple on a propane heater? Shut off the heater fuel supply. Use the steel wool or the abrasive side of the sponge for gently rubbing the thermocouple. Rub until you remove the soot from the thermocouple. Use the pencil eraser and start cleaning between the threads of the screw (the thermocouple attaching screw). Similarly, how do you clean a propane heater? How to Clean a Propane Heater Make sure the propane heater is turned off. Use a small paint brush for brushing dust away in tight areas. Remove the screws that hold the heater’s cover panel, remove it and wipe the inside of it with warm water. What causes a propane wall heater to shut off?If the thermocouple is too far from the flame, this can cause the pilot to go out and shut down the propane heater; you can fix this easily by moving the thermocouple closer to the flame. The thermocouple could also be worn out, in which case it needs to be replaced.